Our vision is:
To lead and inspire through excellence, compassion and expertise maintaining integrity in all we do.
Our purpose is:
To provide integrated healthcare services that empower people to make the most of their lives at home or any health institution. We care when you’re unwell, we support your recovery and we give you our best and confidence to stay as healthy as possible.
Our principles:
Taks Healthcare principles are centered on concepts such as individuality, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, respect and partnership. we are committed to working under the guide of the following aspects Anti discrimination Confidentiality Rights of the individual Choice Dignity Culture and personal beliefs Protecting from abuse Effective communication Individual care.

Our commitment
We believe Leadership must not be confined to the Senior Management Team but should be devolved in order to empower staff across the organisation.
our success will be built on communication, trust and cooperation between all stakeholders in the business. We will identify and establish relationships with key business partners who have the capacity to support and develop our business activities.
we will deliver high quality services and homes to people of modest means. Our measures of good quality are customer experience, staff competency, and the safety, reliability and suitability of what we offer.

we will ensure that communication is open, genuine and honest; never more complex than it needs to be.
we will ensure that we engage effectively with customers and with staff, as well as with external organisations. We recognise that expertise is found in many places. We will listen and learn from expertise both within and outside of our organisation.
Value for Money
Taks Healthcare Services aims to provide a combination of sustainable quality services that meets customer specifications and fit for purpose.